The Hendon Co-ordinated Charities Fund has been closely associated with the Hendon United Synagogue, Raleigh Close, for over 60 years and is widely recognised, and acknowledged by the US, as the Shul’s very own Gemach Fund. Its primary purpose is, and always has been, to help members of our community who need financial assistance. Whilst the help is mainly given bi-annually at Pesach and Rosh Hashanah, we react very quickly to any deserving cases brought to our attention at any time of the year.
We are reliant upon and appreciative of donations from individuals throughout the year.
Our committee is made up of a handful of experienced, responsible and discreet volunteers which helps to ensure that, with ZERO overheads, every single (£1) pound donated is distributed in full to those who are most in need of help. With basic annual allocations exceeding £20,000 we obviously need to raise funds throughout the year. To this end we would ask you to consider the following:
- To sign up to the annual suggested voluntary donation of £35.
- To consider committing a relatively small monthly sum to be paid by standing order or direct debit.
- If you, or anyone you know, may be in a position and would wish to make a larger contribution to the work of the Co-ord please be in contact with us at hendoncoord@gmail.com
- If you might be interested in leaving a legacy to the Co-ord, please be in contact, for an initial informal conversation with us, by emailing hendoncoord@gmail.com
Donations can be made in the following ways:
- By emailing hendoncoord@gmail.com and request bank details for BACS transfers
- Click HERE to donate via CAF online
- Click HERE to donate via Smartgiving
- Scan the following QR code to donate via Achisomoch

If you are a UK taxpayer and are able to complete a Gift Aid form, please download (below) and return your form to hendoncoord@gmail.com This will increase any donation you make by 25% at no additional cost to you!
Finally – and perhaps most importantly of all – if you or anyone else you know, may be in financial distress and are in need of assistance please do not hesitate to be in contact with us. Any, and all requests will, as ever, be dealt and met with only empathy, understanding and total confidentiality.
Charity begins at Home” so please help us to give much needed financial support from within our own community to and for the less fortunate of our own community. Thanking you in advance for your support.
Inland Revenue registration no: XR24021
President: Rabbi Mordechai S Ginsbury
Chairman: Jonathan M Miller Vice-Chairman: Michael D Kaye Hon. Treasurer: Andrew M Hillel
Trustees: Michael D Kaye Roger G Abrahams Jonathan M Miller Andrew M Hillel