We are fortunate to benefit from a team of Rabbis and Rebbetzens at Hendon United Synagogue. Should you wish to contact any of our Rabbis please click on their pictures to get email them.
Senior Rabbi & Rebbetzen
Rabbi & Rebbetzen Ginsbury

Rabbi Mordechai and Rebbetzen Judy Ginsbury joined us at Raleigh Close as our senior Rabbinic couple in February 1999. They had previously been with the Prestwich Hebrew Congregation in Manchester for nearly fourteen years. In April 1999 Rabbi Ginsbury was formally inducted into office by the late Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt”l, as only the third Minister of Hendon US in fifty-three years.
He and his wife have given the community a new lease of life by involving themselves in all spheres of activity, initiating the Hendon CARES pastoral care organisation, the Kashrut Assurance Programme, the Minyanim Forum, as well as Tefillin Breakfast for pre and post Barmitzvah boys and preparing the girls for Bat Mitzvah. They have both given – and still give! – various weekly Shiurim and are very much involved in programming and events, with Rebebtzen Ginsbury having taken a particular interest in events and support for Jewish singles, including being the long-serving co-ordinator of SAM (Strike A Match), the US’s introductions service for Jewish singles. They were also central to the establishment and building of a well-used, modern and attractive onsite ladies’ Mikvah, which is managed and run by a dedicated and discreet Trust.
During his tenure Rabbi Ginsbury served for three years as Chairman of the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue (2005 – ’08) and in 2009 was appointed as part time professional Director of P’eir (Promoting Excellence in Rabbis) which he helped to found to provide in-service training, mentoring and support for US Rabbis and Rebbetzens. Rabbi Ginsbury has also served as Principal of Hasmonean Primary School since 2003.
Rabbi and Rebbetzen Ginsbury and their lovely family have set an example of harmony, approachability, dedication and warmth which permeates the Raleigh Close family.